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Carlie-Grimheart look at me now by carlie-nuclearzombie (critique requested)

Carlie-Grimheart look at me now (critique requested)


Here is my scaliesona's new look, the blue and white was starting to bore me a bit, I wanted to start new, I am really happy with this design and plan to keep her like this with only small changed in the future (like hair style ect) while I am on the subject of hair, her hair runs down her back like a main and her actual hair style is either seen like it is now, a Mohawk or all spiked back with no fringe.
as for piercings she has identical ear piercings and tunnels she will also have a double nose bridge piercing which I forgot to add here, her tongue is pretty much the same as her tail, not forked and striped.
she will mostly be seen wearing an eye patch on one eye with a red cross, a generals hat with a chrome skull on the front and red ribbon, her outfit will be a mix of gothic/punk and military gothic clothes. Sometimes she will have a robotic arm, note this arm is an accessory and isn't an artificial arm.

pose for this drawing inspired by one of :devthehuntingwolf:'s drawings I asked before I used the pose C:

Art, species and chracater (c) Carlie-NuclearZombie

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    Awesome your really good with legs :3 Although you could improve on the upper body portions. Good work sir, loven it yo~

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      thanks and yeah I do admit I have problems with anatomy at times its quite difficult to do sometimes