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clarity by capribebe



illustration stuff! LOTS of stuff to fix still but oh well, that can wait until after crit 9_9

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Visual / Digital


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    I really love the reflections that you have on her and all around her, it helps give that underwater feel. Lovely work!

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    The lighting and physics of this are plausible yet so surreal at the same time. I've always been a sucker for aquatic environments.
    Which reminds me.. you compose such environments with an otherworldly level of skill. I've always had extreme difficulty doing a simple landscape. If you ever were able to share tips, advice, wips, or recommend some good sites (or artists) I'd be extremely grateful. But that's entirely up to you. I don't like the thought of coming off as some needy fangirl. lol

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      hmm, tips... well, personally, I find it helps immensely to keep an inspirations blog or folder for pictures you come across that strike you. My blog is here: and I largely reblog landscapes, but also art that I find inspiring, clothing, etc etc. When I was much younger, I used to do oil paintings of landscapes - I wasn't very good but I think it was very helpful and influential for building up skills later in life. Referencing, researching, and studying is basically key. One of my friends and I occasionally have an "art-off" where we choose pictures for the other to replicate as closely as possible, usually landscapes... you learn so much from it, I recommend it. :D

      that was a bit rambly, but I hope it helped! hahah <3

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    Oh gosh, this is so purdy!

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      thanks so much! <3