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SDS Burning Fire by Canis-ferox

SDS Burning Fire


(this was posted yesterday on dA, I'm copypasting the description haha)

A friend of mine is doing a Sketch-a-Day-September thing, ( ---> ) and I kind of want to try it myself :D This sketch of younger Rook that I started between classes and finished up now seems like a good place to begin! This is... probably a different kind of pose/expression to see on him if you're used to seeing his present day self haha. Inspired by this song which has been stuck in my head for two days it's so catchy asafdg. And it came on the radio in the student center today, and I had paper. Have a kind of nonsensical energetic pose. I should do nonsense poses more often, they're fun. I actually ran the sketch off the page because I'm bad at placing things and had to sketch the bottom of his right foot on another piece of paper and then attach it in PS. \o/
My aim is just to draw /something/ every day and post it (not necessarily on the day it's drawn). The sketches definitely won't all be this fancy. xD I may combine some into a single posting if they're pretty small and I may also slack on weekends, I have no idea how busy my weekends are going to be ¯_(ツ)_/¯ The certainty is that I'll draw a lot, and you guys will see it!

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Visual / Digital