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PAIN-t: All together now! by Cameraman

PAIN-t: All together now!


"Like a big happy family!"

This painting has a story.
It started in June 30th, when I attempted this beast. I took my progress slowly but surely.
Making many progress shots along the way. By the end of July, there was a hiatus. After which I find out that my SAI file had become corrupt when I was nearly finished.
To fix the corruption I did many things, I used software made to salvage files as much as possible, I ran check disk (which took 10 hours), and lastly, out of desperation, I e-mailed Systemax's (creators of Paint tool SAI) support.
It was only after a week that I had gotten a reply and it was to my surprise a positive one! They managed to salvage my sai file, but with a few quirks. Some layers had gone missing, and chunks of the rendering work I had already done were gone. I fixed some of it by frankensteining two progress shots in and re-painted the rest.
And today I finally finished.

One of Undertale's main themes is Determination, and this painting took lots of it.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    Hot Dang!
    You really went through a lot on this one, sheez. I remember watching you stream some of it a while back. I'm glad you managed to save it though, because it's a nice piece! I like your colour choices, they're distinctive and playful while still in theme with the source material.

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    Congratulations on the harrowing rescue- this tribute turned out lovely!

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    Wow! What a nice piece. I hope this gets more popular as more people become fans of the games, now that it's out and stuff. It was worth the effort for sure (: Any reason in particular why Tori and Papyrus are green? Just stylistic choice?