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Cliffed Out by CaineTheLongshot

Cliffed Out


Every cloud meandering to the sea
Look into the sunset, watch it spread, remember the warmth
Sitting and watching every boat drift by
drop them a line
send up a flare
a crow among gulls

From this height it all seems so distant
ants swimming in the sea
dust floating in the wind
we're all going somewhere
nameless fleets of Odysseus

Smiling at the winds before a storm
sing into the silence, hear it spread, feel it fly
calling into the endless sea of clouds
watch for the signs
dance in the rain
the stars between smoke

From this height it all seems so distant
ants swimming in the sea
dust floating in the wind
we're all going somewhere
nameless fleets of Odysseus

From this height it all seems so distant
ants swimming in the sea
dust floating in the wind
we're all going somewhere
nameless fleets of Odysseus

A little doodle with watercoloryness. The wardrobe design is a rather blatant reference one designed by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett. bonus points for whoever recognizes it!

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    Gorgeous poetry! <3
    Are those lyrics or did you write it yourself? I love it! :3
    I'd say a hint of Tank Girl with some sprinkling of Gorillaz for some... flavor ;)
    Very pretty use of watercolors 8D

    • Link

      XD Thank you~!
      Also yes and yes. I wrote them to be possible lyrics, though these lyrics aren't mated to a song yet.

      Also, I'm usually bullocks with watercolors, so I'm especially happy it worked this time!! XD