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pickled_lemur: XXL Led tail by Bubble.Pi

pickled_lemur: XXL Led tail


XXL Led tail for   pickled_lemur
They made the pattern, and was nice enough to ship it to me! I hand and machine sewed everything. Added some leds in there for an awesome effect.
I've a video a need to edit later

Let me tell you, This tail took me the longest time for some reason. It seemed to kick my muse right in the behind. The leds were a challange for what the client was looking for. Initially we went with static leds, but they eventually opted for the flickering kind. Rather then going with all different colors (I'll explain that later) for leds, I decided t was best to go with all white. Yep, that's right, all those leds in this tail are white! The idea worked, luckly. The different colors of fur act like glass in a stain glass window. The only downside I see to this is that certain colors don't diffuse as well.
Purple, for instance, does not work at all. I needed to go with lavender. If you'd like me to drybrush the lavender to a darker purple please let me know. It'll still work with the leds. Having a dark backing is a no no for leds. Black , of course, does not let the leds shine through. Orange and pink work decently (orange worked the best. It's gorgeous). Green and lavender are beautiful aswell. Yellow gave me a hard time suprisingly as well as that aqua.
My camera just didn't want to capture the pretty bottom part of the tail XD.

Multiple reasons why I support the white leds versus corresponding colors for each color. The colored leds were just not strong enough. The lights were weak in my opinion. Also wiring up all those leds was..the biggest pain. xD.
Without some sort of controler it was nil impossible to do some of the effects talked about earlier. These leds work decently and give somewhat of an illusion of what I believe we were going for with this.

All in all I'm pretty pleased with this, and I hope you like it too!
It's not often I take on rainbow projects, let alone LED /w rainbow. Probably gonna be a once in awhile thing. Sewing all those bands and stars killed my hands. Especially with me initially doing some colors in white, then drybrushed over it. It just didn't give the same results. So this bad boy..was almost done twice x.x. Orz.

Now that it's finally completed. I can relax, finish my monk cosplay, and when D*con is over I'll start on those leopard tails. It'll be quick and easy!
I'm so terribly sorry for the wait, but   pickled_lemur has been so patient. Thank you so much, doll!

Submission Information

Visual / Sewing / Knitting