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Ballooned Up by Bru Badger

Ballooned Up

Bru Badger

At the fair, Kate saw many places where balloons were being sold; she and her brother always liked to get as many balloons as they could but the two of them certainly could not forget the incident last time when he tried to carry more balloons than his lighter build would permit, as he ended up being the one carried by the balloons instead. This was perhaps less of a problem for Kate, but this time she was in doubt about her own limits. She now had quite a lot of balloons but wanted even more, and soon she also began to feel hungry and went to get something to eat. After she had a snack, she decided balloons were not the only thing she wanted more of. One by one, most of the stalls selling food at the fair began to look rather empty as Kate bounced around and guzzled down cotton candy, candy apples, popcorn, milkshakes, doughnuts and many more sweet things. As her weight increased, so did the number of balloons she could carry without leaving the ground.

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