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TED (ref) by B Pavlica

TED (ref)

B Pavlica

Here's something I've been working on for a while.

Possibly my next story.

Here's a little dictionary of the words you probably don't know:

ARDITIAN - Arditians are the majority of the population on the planet Ardit. They are visible on their own planet, because their sun provides a unique red/orange-ish light which has been named Arditian light. When not exposed to the Arditian light, the Arditians are completely invisible, save for their eyes.

Arditians are not divided into two sexes like most of the other races, as they are hermaphrodites. They have fully functional male and female reproductive organs.

Arditians extremely rarely leave their home planet, as they usually don't feel comfortable being invisible.

DREJONT - Drejont is the 'capital planet', as it is the most developed, most populated and stable out of all the planets surrounding it. It's mostly populated by vamps, wooves and trols. The most notable feature of the Drejontans are their teeth, and judging by the teeth, is the easiest way to tell apart the three main races of the planet - vamps have an overbite, trols have an underbite and wooves usually have teeth sticking out from their mouth from upper and lower jaw.

DACHAIGH DELHI - It is a planet that is not as ahead with it's civilizations as Drejont, but it's particularly known as the planet of the greatest warriors. The people living on 'Planet D.D.' still live in very tribal ways, fighting for land and often engaging in tribal wars. The people from this planet the the ones that resemble humans more than any other race, but not completely, as their faces are longer and their skin is yellow, sometimes orange. The most powerful and advanced tribe on Dachaigh Delhi is Baavmathan, they are also the only tribe who's members tend to leave their home planet to go study on Drejont.

**Example of a Baavmathan warrior:\_mcj083dgz91qd9h2yo1\_1280.png **

GANDAND - Gandand is a style of fighting that originates from the Baavmathan tribe. It resembles a ninja-like way of fighting, as it specializes in silent movement and clean, quiet kills, most commonly using a sword that resembles a katana.

I apologize for any stupid typos or senseless sentences, I should really go to sleep.

Will double-check this text tomorrow.

(C) me

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