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Carolina and Monty by B Pavlica (critique requested)

Carolina and Monty (critique requested)

B Pavlica

Carolina (Karolina)


-Lowlander elf

-24, huntress

-Great forest of the Lowlands

Athletic, with soft facial features

A minx, sneaky and confident

Montgomery (Montgomeri)

Monty (Monti)

-Lowlander elf

-21, pharmacist

-Great forest of the Lowlands

Physically weak and skinny, with a long face

Suspicious, outcast, tends to keep to himself


Lowlander elves are animalistic humanoid creatures that live in the forests. They are often described as ugly or scary, mostly due to their vertically-positioned eyes.

Their features might remind one of those of a rabbit, with their long somewhat floppy-ish ears, small rabbit-like nose and a peculiar mouth shape.

They have very long hands and feet and very little body hair, save for the head hair, which is always snow-white and very soft to touch.

They have four so-called skin pigments, naming from most to least common; crimson (red), ebony (dark grey), ivory (white) and calico (white with patches of black or red).

There is not much known about the primitive, vicious lowlander elves, as no one is willing to go forth and research their ways of life, as very few people return from such expeditions.

By most people elves are considered dangerous lowlife that deserves no sympathy, and in many aspects, people have good enough reasons to believe that.

Elves are extremely aggressive towards anyone who enters their territory that’s not an elf. People could easily avoid entering their territories, but the issue is, that elves never mark their land in any way, or let people know where it begins nor ends, and on top of that, some tribes would often move, so humans ban never be completely sure whether their path is safe or not. This issue is very troublesome for travelling groups of scholars, entertainers, explorers, travellers, adventurers, and many more people that are important to the society.

Elves eat human flesh if they get their hands on any, which happen often, as they always keep an eye out on any lone travellers or groups of them to pass their way. They eat some parts - often the internal organs - raw, and cook or roast the rest.

They are very agile and stealthy, and therefore extremely hard to notice when they watch you from the trees, and hard to fight once they strike. Their primary weapon are poison darts and stings, which immobilise their victims, enabling the elves to drag the still-living people into their tribal grounds and start cutting them apart even before the victim is dead – meaning that the human often sees their own guts being pulled out of their body before they die of system collapse. The humans can’t feel the pain caused by the elves after the poison takes effect, but sadly the poison itself causes pain as well.

Elves are naturally fit and agile creatures. They live in tribes, but commonly don’t build their homes, but rather inhabit caves (if they aren’t empty, they destroy whatever lives in them) or dig holes. Some live on the trees. Sometimes the tribes are so big that they stretch over a whole forest.

They have a system, in which the eldest elves are seen as the leaders, but they don’t really have anyone other than that to give commands or laws. They live much like animals, they barely have any laws, but are not corruptive towards their own species like humans, so crime happens very rarely. Even though not officially the leaders, there are two types of elves that are often looked up to and followed by the others; the best hunters, and the best dancers.

If there’s one good thing known about the elves, it’s their dancing. They practice many dances, which they dance on various occasions and celebrations they have, some of which seem very modern.

Elves often choose their partner on account of their dance rather than personality, but there are cases where two would fall in love because they love each other, not each other’s dancing.

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