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Ted growing up by B Pavlica

Ted growing up

B Pavlica

Here's the process of little baby Ted turning to grumpy adult Ted!

Basically, Ted didn't have many problems until they got to high school and their body started changing, even though they hit puberty quite late.

In their younger years they were acknowledged as simply a boy, and they learned not to protest, because they themself were unsure about what they were supposed to be. So, in younger years and among younger kids, they weren't as much of a subject to jokes as later.

Growing up they constantly faced with unwanted attention due to their look, or the lack of it, but it stroke even harder once they got to high school and found themself among teenagers with raging hormones and with the idea that they need to prove their coolness by putting other, uncool people down.

Already distant before, Ted distanced themself from other people even more as they grew older.

When their body started forming and they hit puberty at 15 years, everything broke down in their mind and they decided they hated everyone and everything and wanted everyone to die. Basically your typical hateful teenage mindset but three times bigger due to their bad experiences with people.

They never really got over being bullied in school, and they seemed to still hold the grudge and the same immature hate and distance towards other people in their late 20s

They participated gandand training (martial arts) since a very young age, but only started to get some actual muscle later on as their body developed.

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