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Bloodhound Subspecies - Unseeing 2.0 by BloodhoundOmega

Bloodhound Subspecies - Unseeing 2.0


I re-designed the info sheets for the Bloodhound subspecies. They are based on Bloodi's character sheet and the information about gender, that I made recently. I like the direction this is taking, as I can use it for a more consistent design direction. :)

The Unseeing are the most notorious of all lesser Hounds. They are very seclusive and their behaviour is often hard to comprehend. Other Hounds usually approach them with awe as well as caution.

Phyiscal mutilation is very common among the Unseeing. Something that fulfills no more purpose for them is systematically removed. Ears and postcranial “tentacles” are usually amputated for the sake of the masks that the Unseeing wear. Their highly developed extrasensory skills make up for the loss of cut-away or sewn-shut body parts. Telepathy is only one of many ways an Unseeing Hound perceives its surrounding.

The face is usually hidden underneath a mask. The mask is the most personal posession of an Unseeing. It represents his nature, his character, his spirits. The face underneath it, although valued little as such, is probably the most private thing an Unseeing could share with others.

Old Version -->

With exception of the Cave Hounds and the Unseeing above the Bloodhounds are a race that I consider "open". :)

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