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Blitzblotch 2022 Art summary by Blitzblotch

Blitzblotch 2022 Art summary


Year 2022- Year of the tiger
 I did hit my goal of getting to 100 pages and finishing chapter 2. However now, i have to re-write the next chapters(I went really off script) so. In the mean time, I will be doing little skits for some of the other dragons I've been posting over the years. I've been wanting to anyways.  However my original content is as viable as my fan content now. Even if i haven't been pushing hard to get paid and i really should be. 

I did take the time to socialize more, but i think I pushed myself to far and ended up trying to become friends with people that i doubt are talking to me in good faith. I did however find a few god friends and good servers I love being in. And i did about no streaming. It's because i have moved to ipad and it's a bit wonky about it. 

We are even helping a couple people get onto their feet and ready for the real world. So that will be interesting. 

plans for Year 2023- year of the rabbit
Redraw the first (at least )10 pages of the comic
Keep my job- as normal
Continue working on dragon content and expanding the world 
Actually advertise my commissions
(become rich so i can commission people and draw all the time) or continue saving. 
(Stay away from people irl or keep wearing masks)

My carrd
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