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Stray stars: Amor Ref by Blitzblotch

Stray stars: Amor Ref


Name: Amor
Gender: Male
Guild:   Dreamweaver  Job: Relationship councilor
Class- Wind- Greater sea heart
Amor is a very bold and flirty dragon often enough. He likes to dress up, strut, sing, prance and dance. A social butterfly to say the least. He however does not have a pod of his own and tends to be rather freespirted, and willing to share his affections with a wide varity of partners.
As a relationship counselor for dragon pods he is very good at spotting a problem and pointing it out. Normally very subtle and tactful about it, unless he just doesn’t like you. If something seems rather toxic, he will suggest a break up rather than beating around the bush. Some dragons get together because carnal desires and while it can feel personal. He thinks it will be better if they move with someone that is a little more willing to work with the other.
This large slender coastal wind dragon is coated in strong water resistant feathers. There long wings help the glide and patrol shoals along the coast for their preferred fish. Having a large inflatable throat pouch, often inflating when these dragons are excited or interested in a partner. They can also be used to store wind magic in small amounts.

This dragon has a rather pescatarian diet by nature. Preferring fish and vegetation beyond all else. They will however scavenge when necessary.

Felt let setting up sum submissions for this week. 

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