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Leia by Blackmoonrose13



Lines by Arthur Adams
Speed Paint
Song used by 331erock
Help my cat get better

Ah Carrie Fisher you wonderful woman. Why did the universe take you man! -over dramatic why-

Any way I wanted to do an art but It took me a while to find a good art of her in my archives. I have said it before once. I have mostly here as slave Leia now nothing against the outfit I know its an iconic outfit part of pop culture. I just didn't like the context they put her was mostly porny....and that is not right for that and I just don't want to do that....not my thing.

She is such a kick ass lady and she will forever in our hearts. Some one join me in holding up the light sabers darn it!

So when I colored her I noticed that she has brownish circles around her eyes it might be part eyeliner and part sleepy. I mean like your planet has just been blown up and you were kidnapped and loosing all the ones you ever loved and knew, and The dark side is taking over....I would be stressed and losing sleep and getting dark circles....Sorry just a personal thinking of me....stress calls a lot of hard things.