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Eins, Zwei, Drei by Blackdoge

Eins, Zwei, Drei


I was doodling a Deino when suddenly this happened.
I have no regrets heroic pose

I have a thing for the binary tool, i love making low-res art and then having it printed, all those delicious pixels look very derpy and cute!

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    This is totally rad! I remember having that second evolution but I didn't know where it was HEAD-ed. Lol I just knew it's accuracy was absolutely terrible.

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      i have to admit i never finished training any because of how high a level you needed D:
      thanks for following! you made me think that mayyybe i should make more of hese with different evolutionary lines o:

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        Uh, yeah! Granted I'm picky about what Pokemon they'd be. Can I request that the Ralts, Kirlia and Gardevoir line be done next since you're going to do that? X3

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          well it's a good idea! i'll keep it in mind for later today!

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            Sweet! I look forward to it. X3

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              so i'm drawing it (here's a link to the progress! and was wondering, do you like the shiny versions? I'm a little inclined to do them instead of the regulars o: but you tell me, this one's kinda for you!

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                Go for it. I like when Gardevoir's hair is Blue too. As well as the Green. There is also an alternative final evolution for Male Kirlia. You doing all four?

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    Easily my favorite dragon type... awesome evolution collage

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      thanks a lot! :D i'm tempted to make a new one

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      (also, thanks a lot for following!)