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Rune Reference Sheet 2018 by BipolarWolfy

Rune Reference Sheet 2018


My Main Fursona - This Is Me In Fluff Form! :D

Character is based on me IRL
Met Rune!

Character: Grumpy, Cocky, Hothead, Easily Angered, but has a sweet side that he hates showing directly. Open to idea’s and how people function. Tell him your past and feelings, he respects people who are brave enough to open up. He really tries hard to make people happy and simply smile. From gifts to jokes…he wants to be there for the small group of people who loves him.

Flaws: Fucks up a lot in relationships with friends and lovers. But always will try to make it up even if his feelings are at his lowest. Does not know how to communicate his emotions. Usually makes too many promises. Has let people down more than a few times. He is in the works of being a better wolf. His emotions are a mess but he does not let it show too often. Pretending to be okay is one of his best masks. Addicted to sweets. Materialistic. Money can easily corrupt this pup.

Likes: Drawing, Gaming, Art (All Media), Salads, Sushi, Pizza, Coffee, Ice cream, Pepsi, Big Red(Soda), Mountain Dew, Techno, Electronic, Pop and Alternative Rock, Cartoons, Cuddles, simple gestures from people who care about him.

Dislikes: People who just wanna fuck, questioning who he is, talking negatively behind his back, people who don’t know what they want. Inconsiderate beings. People who play stupid. Contradicting people

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Visual / Digital