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Cleo's big Workout by Bigbluefennec

Cleo's big Workout


Cleo is getting ready for her workout and is asking her boyfriend if he wants to participate.

Is she big? is he small? You decide!

Cleo, Riff-Raff are by DiC

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    If RiffRaff loves Cleo the way I've always believed she does, and he has adored unquestioningly her, even though both of them rarely if ever admit it to each other or themselves now or in the past, then she would not have to be a giantess physically compared to him to be his goddess. But likewise, he would never need be anything but the one worshipped cat and beloved furson she loves and trusts impliicitly to forever be her equal and intimate, and who chose her as much as she chose her gentlecat.

    I know how hard it can be to fight one's own natural desire for human connection, struggling with the acceptance that everyone thinks you're worthy of that praise and honest love but you, that I've always been my worst critic even when I can see clearly, not obscured by grief or disconnection. I spent most of my life breaking those chains from my heart, removing my natural confidence and self-worth from the gaol of doubt.

    For as I observe Cleo gazing upon her beloved brown cat, I don't see a hungry giantess sizing up a meal for her belly or a short pleasuring for her following proscribed, earthshaking footstep and then broken, crushed pulp to ignore; I see my Jenora, clever and smug, smiling down at me, smirking with a smug grin down at me that way with her arms crossed not because she means any disrespect, but she knows I don't see the smugness, I see her love and her smile, I see the closest person to my heart and who it pains me I could ever doubt, and the brief doubt I bore is gone, and I know I was wrong and apologized to her. Jenora told me she accepted it not because it was remotely necessary, but she knew how much pain I was in, and my response if unkind was not unreasonable and after a fashion healthy. It isn't like me to be that angry, and Jenora knew I was regretful because it's never how I want to me by habit.

    My grief was not because of her actions but the last year of horror I've soldiered through, the self-doubt and near absence of trust I faced for many months and my moral rage and human horror was a side effect that no-one could've kept from affecting them somehow in my place. And it's how I will always know your gaze when you look down with love at me to your side and me raptly meeting your gaze as I stand before you, Indigo Icetalons, Skybox Blue Fox, not because our relationship is quite as old and close as Jenora's and mine, but in every way that matters it's the same, and it's just as strong. I have no intention of doubting your care, nor anyone else's I love and am sure we share it together ever again. I've learned one more thing, or at least one more thing, and it will make sure I don't forget myself if anything like what I experienced comes my way again.

    I hope you have a wonderful Thursday, Indigo, which I think is well into the late morning where you are as of this post.
