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The Dunbar Three by benanderson

The Dunbar Three


Another excellent sketchpage from pac Pac! This time of the three Dunbars, Siblings Sarah and Michael and their Dad, Robert.

Left to right, top to bottom.

  • The three in more formal attire. Probably attending some of FBA related schtick due to Sarah's recent draft. Michael... isn't very good at the whole "dressing nice" thing. The converse certainly don't help.
  • Michael at the drums. Because drummer.
  • Sarah dribbling a Basketball, because Basketball player.
  • Sarah doing deadlifts. Athletes gotta stay in shape!
  • Sarah is an almost exact copy of her Dad in personality; she's stubborn, tetchy, determined and tireless. The problem is, she very often burns the candle at both ends and she ends up so drained that she can barely see straight, as evident by the fact that she is pouring coffee onto the counter-top... again.
  • Michael has had a few "Scrapes", shall we say, with less than desirable individuals. In recent times its become quite common for him to scurry around with a Rounders bat and a jet black hoodie ready to smack people witless.
  • Robert Dunbar pointing a very angry finger at Bradley Loughton in reference to the most recent chapter.
  • Robert with an iPad and expensive whisky, probably looking at share prices or flicking through work emails. "Turning off" is something he doesn't do, he's all work all the time.
  • Michael carrying a very drunk Dominic Loughton home. Its a common thing these days.
  • Robert posing next to his imported Chevrolet Camaro Convertible. He's one of these douchey-dads who tries way too hard to remain forever young.
  • Michael is a tattoo artist, though almost every tattoo he's ever done at this particular parlour has been RR tattoos. Its ironic, really, that a "nonner" is the one inking up the RR members.

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