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implode alright by Bemottled

implode alright


" into the forest i go,
to lose my mind and find my soul "

When you wake me up
It's my mind that will start to blur
You're in my head enough
to repeat my thoughts without a word
I can stop these beats from beating
'cause you're heart is holding mine
And i will implode with you
'cause i know we'll be alright
Everything's alright
It's alright
I'm alright
implode alright - built by snow

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so i was afraid to color this after i sketched it so i moved it to digital format and i honestly thought it would turn out like shit because my linework was messy as fuck but i actually really like this so that's awesome
just a thing of benji sitting out in the woods with chai, hanging out with the local wildlife i love drawing spoods and their little butt-webbers so fucking much you guys
i have and never will be a people person and living in the dorms, away from my home where everything is quiet except for the woods, makes me really miss the quiet/the sound of insects.
also chai is shedding right now o3o biiiiig noodle!

to view gradient/background/reference stock credits please view the version available on dA!

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