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Rivets by belicbear



Photo of a hand-riveted tail section of a B-17 Flying Fortress (my favorite WWII bomber). While studying the rivets I couldn't help but think of the men and woman who painstakingly constructed these planes (and countless other military equipment) while the troops were fighting overseas. While their sons and daughters fought on foreign soil the country fought at home to give them the tools to emerge victorious.

Taken on my visit to March Air Force Base in California. I must has spent 2 hours taking photos of this magnificent plane. I was still by her side when the call came that the museum was closing...

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Visual / Photography


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    Wouldn't doubt you have a lot of picture of this plane. There is a lot to take pictures of after all. Did they let you go around inside it too?

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      They don't let you go inside this particular plane, but I have been inside a B-17 before. It's a tight squeeze. They're not at big as they look in film and photos. ;o)

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        Was about to say, probably even more pictures if you were let in. But yeah, I know how movies and such make it look more roomy, but damnit I'd still try! Had a relative, think it was a great uncle or something, that was a ball gunner on one of these.

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          Oh my God... Being a ball gunner was brutal! Worst position in the plane.

          Every year a B-17 and a B-25 land at airports around the country, and you can see them up close and go inside. And for a price, they'll even take you up in them! It's over $1000. I wish I could afford it because I would LOVE to go up in a B-17!

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            Yeah, thanks to movies like Memphis Belle I use to think it'd be awesome, but the I grew up and realized just how terrifying that position must have been.

            But yeah I hear ya. Flying up in one of those things... it really would be something.

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    My grandfather was a belly turret gunner in a B-17, and after seeing a B-17s belly turret up close and being 6 ft 2 i got claustrophobic just LOOKING at it! That said my favorite bomber too.

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      Belly gunner was the toughest seat on the plane. Much respect to your Grandfather. I've been in a B-17 before, and they're not as big as they seem in pictures. Very cramped quarters.

      It's great to meet another B-17 lover! ;o)

      And thank you so much for the faves and comments, good wolf! They're much appreciated! hugs

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        Hehe thanks and your welcome!