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The Forbidden Zone by belicbear

The Forbidden Zone


Out in the middle of nowhere California, we found a Wind Farm high on a hillside. As the sun began to set we found an access road with a gate that had been chained shut but luckily not padlocked. We drove up into the hills and spent the next few hours taking photos. These turbines are truly massive. They stand about 250 feet high, and when I hugged the base of one and looked up my head swam. When the wind turns the blades, you hear and feel a “whoosh” as the blades rip through the air. Awesome.

Anyway, this is one of the shots I took that night. Hope you like it. ;o)

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Visual / Photography


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    Man, I love these things. It's too bad everyone around my area thinks they're the tools of the devil or something.

    And on a related note, sex under a windmill is fun too.

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      Me too! People say their "ugly", but so is smog and high utility prices. They're quiet, clean, and do a lot of good. And I think they're kinda cool-looking and beautiful. ;o)

      Sex under a windmill? Oh do tell! XD

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        There's some test windmills they built not too far from here and it's pretty much like what you had here, just a simple metal gate, no lock or fence. Me and someone else drove in there one night, threw a blanket down, and did our thing right next to the base of one.

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          This is gonna sound weird, but... That actually sounds kinda romantic. ;o)

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            Nah, not weird at all. I was thinking the same thing cause we actually had an awesome view there and everything. Unfortunately it wasn't a romantic outing, they just wanted to fuck. But now I know some place awesome to take someone if the opportunity for romance ever comes up again.