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Exalted Characters - Barasa by Beachfox (critique requested)

Exalted Characters - Barasa (critique requested)


The Gods of Creation can be flighty things. For every God who answers their prayers and ensure the proper cycle of events, there’s another who demands tributes beyond His station, or looses Himself in wine, drugs, or carnal pleasures while the prayers of those in His purview go unanswered.
When the rains fail to fall, or fish fail to fill the nets due to a God who’s too petty, lazy, or slothful to do Their duty, humanity must find a way to convince the wayward deity to return to the fold of The Righteous Mandate of Creation.
In the lands under the sway of The Immaculate Order, this job falls upon the Terrestrial Exalted of the Order, who ensure that each God receives their fair division of prayer (and no more) in exchange for their fair division of blessings and miracles (and no less).
Beyond the reach of The Immaculate Order, however, the solutions are as varied as the cultures that fill them.

In the lands where the endless deserts of sands and jewels lie separated from the deep flowering bamboo jungles by wending mountains mere miles across, there are The God Kickers. Blessed mortals, Godblooded, revered martial artists, and wayward Terrestrials who travel the land ensuring that the faithful are not abused by their Gods and miracles follow prayers as is proper.

Barasa was once such a God Kicker, using a combination of enlightened martial arts and hard won occult knowledge to keep the more greedy and lustful deities of his land in check. Then the Unconquered Sun visited him in a vision… Creation has fallen far from it’s former glory when such drastic measures must be taken to ensure every petty God of the Field and Deity of Roads must be kept in line. And while the mortals struggle to rein in the excesses of their personal divinities, who looks after the wayward gods of All Rains, Peaceful Marriage, or even Fate?

Barasa is still a God Kicker. But the scale of the Gods who need to be reminded of their proper place in the world through a good thrashing has greatly expanded.

He can’t wait to get started.

"Exalted 3rd Ed" will be out soon! When it's released, I'll be reattempting my Illustrate Every (Solar) Charm Iron Artist Challenge (IESCIA!) As part of this, I'm creating 15 characters to use when illustrating the Charms. Each Skill will have three characters covering it, each character will cover five skills.

This is Character #12 (second one drawn): Barasa, Zenith, who’ll show off uses of Thrown, Presence, Medicine, Dodge, and Bureaucracy

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    Heh, you said Bara.