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AirborneAugust Day 30: Unbreakable Bliss by Balloogabu

AirborneAugust Day 30: Unbreakable Bliss


AirborneAugust Day 30: Unbreakable

"(In bliss canon, sharp objects cant pop me, they make me blimp up more until the pressure does)
[...] I mean, yeah, but i had this convoluted, pseudo-scientific idea of kinetic transfer where the energy from the potential puncture gets transfered into heat and more gas.
[...] The whole point for it was that i dont really like the idea of popping at a tiny/normal size, it can be a good gag but it is underwhelming ;p "

BuoyantBliss Was not smart and walked into some bad guys in a dark alleyway...
He did not cooperate, so Bliss gets the shiv! Bliss may have warped reality with pseudo-scienctific non-popping powers, but the quick thinking bisharp and pawniard just take advantage of the situation and steal Bliss' held wallet!



Thus ends Minish- 's #AirborneAugust challenge, in honor of Helium Day on the 18th! Thank you for the challenge. It's time for a break now.