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Taro the Hamster Hero from The Lost Cheese Wheel of Legends by BADeByrd (critique requested)

Taro the Hamster Hero from The Lost Cheese Wheel of Legends (critique requested)


I'm starting work on a video game based on the popular furry mascots of the 90s as well as the furry fandom itself. This is one of the main playable characters, a small Hamster named Taro. As you can probably guess he's based on Link from the Legend of Zelda but he plays more like the 2d version of "The Adventures of Link" with the ability to swing a sword, pick up and throw bombs, and use his shield to reflect magic. I actually and this one and Robin done ahead of time but I have most of them sketched up and will upload sketches regularly as well.

I'm also putting this here as I do want to hire a few artists to help me out with this game, and having a dedicated character sheet will help with that. I do intent to pay well and in full for each piece done. I really don't want anyone to do art for free as you can never be sure if a game will fully take off or not. Along with Robin there are four other playable characters. Each share their secondary abilities as well as unlock some other features too.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital