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Just a moment by Azureas (critique requested)

Just a moment (critique requested)


One of the very first furry pieces I did to kickstart my gallery on FA.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    I do enjoy this. I get the feeling there's a lot going on - while at the same time, there isn't really much going on. The pose on the character lets me know he's proud and confident. The grass has the look that it's very detailed, and the lighting bugs adds life to what would otherwise be empty space. Art pleases me.

    • Link

      Thank you for taking the time to write a 'real' comment. Not that I dislike short ones such as "good job" or "wtf is that" but it's rare to have someone that actually writes one with substance. It's good to know what I am doing right <:

      And I had a lot of fun detailing the grass. Oddly enough.

  • Link

    I really like this. (:

    • Link

      Thank you :)

  • Link

    What I find striking is the use of the black silhouette for the grass, and the only slightly brigher black/gray for Azureas (who is finely rendered btw). This is a perfect scene for rain effects, the fireflies (I'm assuming) in the background are an interesting touch, almost in place of lightning. The background could easily be a backdrop of trees obscured by a foggy haze... or simply clouds. Interesting piece of art all in all.

    • Link

      I agree. I did feel the space could of been filled with a certain something. I even thought of putting distant city lights in the backdrop but decided against it overall.

      Thanks for your comment <: