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Golden Skies by Auriel

Golden Skies


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This was mainly for fur practice in blender, and to see if I could render feathers. Sadly, my graphics and some other hardware are hitting the ground about now, so they didn't render the more good looking version of the feathers with transparency involved. Nor the clouds, finally after realizing my current tower isn't built for this, I accepted a more low quality, less shadows,lighting,detailed version of it. What really got me for this is that when I tried to improve the lighting or the feather's or any of the important things, blender would crash because of my lack of processing power, seeing as I'm only running an older gaming tower and not a legiy workstation for simulation and 3d rendering.

I figured what better candidate for my experiment would be my childhood pal Aurorans old character.

As for the vert/poly/tri count for the maximum render that I could possibly go (in this case, this submission) would be Verts:61783 Faces:60898

Overall, it looks good enough, it could be better if machinery was allowing, the better a machine works, the more techniques I hope to try.

And for the copyright -

Auroran Wolf Copyright to Herself

Artwork rendered by me in Blender 2.6a

Submission Information

Visual / Digital