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Jackram Ref by Asrael

Jackram Ref


Catching up on submissions finally, here's the ref sheet for my jackal ram hybrid character that I got from :icondbd: way back in 2015!

I was inspired to create this unusual hybrid by meshing different aspects of my personality with some myths around satyrs and similar myths, and I used this guy as my primary 'sona for quite a long time. I love playing around with the norms of what we think of in bodies and form, and four arms are a staple of my weird tastes for that reason. I'm the kind of person that thinks, how would someone like this live? How would they fight, or wear clothes? In a modern world, what would they eat and how would they prepare for their day?

In an anthro/furry world, I imagine the variety of clothing available would be most economically done by your relative size, so pants become a big issue for someone who has a thick tail and thighs that is unusual for most species that are tall. Thus, the kilt-style loincloth with satchels for pockets. Being four-armed basically destroys his chances for shirts though, so he may as well keep up a good upper body routine to look good for it.

This is part of why I like getting stories with this guy since he's huge and has weird dietary requirements, and interacts in interesting ways with people.

All my characters are named Asrael and are technically different incarnations of the same person. I'm planning on getting stories done about that and why it's happening!

Submission Information

Visual / Digital