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Sushi (My 600th image on FA) by Ashpond

Sushi (My 600th image on FA)


I get compared to 6 billions Demons a lot, my art style I guess, my sloppy way of trying to convey information.

SO, I got inspired and thought I'd try to 'speed draw' a comic page. But even so, this took me three days. Which is a huge bummer, I was hoping to do three panels a day or something.

It's too much of a time sink I think to be worth while, I tried every trick I could think of, lol. I used restricted pallet, didn't shade much, hard edges lines so I could floodfill work to speed up the coloring. STILL took days. WARG. I dunno a solution :P

ANYWAY, I know it is a bit boring, but was a fun test for my 600th image too! Thanks for following me all these years, it means a lot to me haha. I'm a loner in real life, I only have the people I work with, when we return home I pretty much stay alone in the woods for months or even years at a time. So having an outlet online is nice, thanks!

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Visual / Digital


  • Link

    This is very well done and I love the cyberpunk vibe of this. Dynamic short comic. B-)

    Intend to do anything more with it? Just curious.....

    • Link

      it was a speed test, i dunno, it took a few days to do this, longer than I can really afford I'm afraid

      • Link

        I get you, though it shows you have major skill at this. ^^