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Three Days: Page 05 by Arkomeda

Three Days: Page 05


Three Days: Page 05

"Oh come on, he's coming, xa"

From afar, Radoslav heard, Sviatovit and Zvezdan wavering about things he could not hear, with a pot full of pasta in his hand and a pan full of meatballs in the kitchen, the scent killing his gentle soul.

"What are you both laughing at? Did I miss a funny surprise?" he said, as he approached both of them in the living room.

"Nothing, nothing, we are just got carried away waiting for good food..." Zvezdan said, having the same subtle nature in the same way children don't.

"Indeed," he responded, before noticing a grinning Sviatovit looking at him, slight bemusement he thought "Because in this glad night, hopefully devoid of mistakes, I have, in fact, good food, meatballs, pasta and wine and more importantly, I ha- where the flying fuck did my plate go"

Radoslav uttered, and Zvezdan's maturity reached negative degrees as he cracked a smile that would make life rot from its stupidity

"I dont know, where do you think it went, xexe," Sviatovit responded

"Svitsa, Zvedvanstsa, both of you are over fifteen years old," as if that was going to change the distaste out of their minds

"Be well, if you want to eat, go get a plate for yourself" Sviatovit was also reaching negative degrees in maturity by this point

"And if you want to count stars for another few decades, you better give my plate back," Radoslav has to be honest, he stole that from a poem.

"Xa, Sviatovit, come on, our stomachs are empty," Zvevdan said, more credit going to his stomach for that suggestion then to his brain.

"Fine, fine, here's your plate Radoslav" he said and handed over the plate from behind his back.

"Its a fine day when your NCO acts more of a dog then Zvezdan does," Radoslav moved forward and snatched the plate from an amused Sviatovit "Come on you rats, lets eat,"

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