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WtV: Faction Church: Male White Tiger by AriesQuitex

WtV: Faction Church: Male White Tiger


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This is a male white tiger. Cast out of the caverns of the church and placed right after having been weaned at the rim of the tropical valley, more of them survive than the church suspects. Being apex predators in an area where there is nothing that could be considered a real threat, most young males would survive on their instincts alone. Most mothers try to teach their male cubs as much as possible in the little time they have.
But, more importantly, the supposedly 'wild males' aren't that wild as the priestess and huntresses believe. In the absence of the pheromones of the females, the older males plan well ahead, anticipating the times of when the male cubs are cast out. And as soon as the priestesses and their guards have left and night has fallen, the most calm members of the little tribe living in the tropical valley come to the border of the vegetation zone and bring the new arrivals to safety.

The males are lean, but unlike the churchs workers and many huntresses, they aren't malnourished. They cultivate small patches of land to feed small game such as rabbits, But they themselves also add vegetables to their diet. In the polar night they add insects to their diet. Mostly, however, they fish at the fjord and in the two rivers that flow through the valley, living off fish and crustaceans for the greater part.

The tropical valley?
Trapped between high mountains, nestled at the end of a winded fjord heated by volcanic activity deep underground, there is a large area where, even during the polar night, the temperatures seldomly drop below +15°C. The plants learned to cope with the long time of semi-darkness. Many strains cultivate large storage roots or trunks or symbiosis with fungi.
And not a few switch to carnivorous behaviour during the long night.

Each year, shortly before a huntress is sent out from the churchs caverns to capture a wild male and take what is needed for the churchs artificial insemnation, the males meet and draw straws.
The males know that its the scent of the females that makes them go wild.
Thus the one who gets the shortest one leaves all his posessions behind and moves out to intercept the huntress before she could come into range of the small fields and other places where the wild males society would show.
Because the males are worried that the church would extinguish them all when they'd know that the males are not - or no longer - wild bestial barbarians.

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