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Ro full body reference pic by arieljmoody (critique requested)

Ro full body reference pic (critique requested)


I drew this in pencil, then took a photo on my phone and coloured it in Photoshop, hence why the lighting is weird. I could've spent more time on this but I don't have a tablet yet so redrawing lines would've been a massive pain, and it's just a reference pic anyway. The grid pattern is vaporwave inspired. On the back there'll be the two lines wrapping around with a circle between them. I'm probably also going to add more orc stuff next time, like some spikes or something

Details of fursona/OC are likely to change, but here are the basics:
Name: Ro
Gender: Non-binary femme
Pronouns: they/them
Species: Lion-orc hybrid

Also the hair kind of looks like toothpaste lol

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    you're on the right path, but I would recommend taking some time to study anatomy
    the biggest problem with the face for me is that it looks a little too squashed, the nose needs to be curving around the face more than pushing up
    and don't forget lion's face tends to be more of a triangular form rather than a circular (, using back shapes like triangles and circles is a great way to build form, you may also want to start referencing bones as well, so you can better understand how the head works,
    and for the humanoid anatomy, I won't get too in depth into since I'm just starting to study it myself XD just start gathering yourself up a collection of images to reference from when you draw, and take a look at some anatomy tutorials as well (Sycra on Youtube does some really great human anatomy tutorials, and Will Terrel does as well, I suggest checking them out if you get a chance!)

    hope that helped~

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      thanks for the tips!

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        you're welcome~