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INKtober 2018 #1: Taking It Slow by AnxotheDragon

INKtober 2018 #1: Taking It Slow


Guess what time it is? INKtober time! Also time for my existential dread but more on that later. This took waaaaaay longer than it should have considering some odd details, jagged edges and a distinct lack of wings. At this point I don't even care, just finishing something feels amazing! This will probably be my icon through most of October and maybe into November so look for this face around! 🖤

Some of you may notice this is a very much digital piece. And yes that is typically frowned upon. One small issue: my handwriting disability has already caused me to ruin three sketches beyond recovery. Big oops. For the sake of my sanity, I choose a back button and some decent stabilizers. Maybe I'll try an all-ink traditional piece if I get super bold but I just can't see that ending well so I'll do this for the time being! 🖤