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OC Height Chart by ankh-ascendant

OC Height Chart


I think this picture has a plot. Othallon's temper or mouth got them all arrested. Lashacrimos is obviously annoyed at him, and Rainewaithe is in the process of saying "You stupid son of a bitch"... Othallon is apparently biting his tongue, while Moriha is just going to stare you to death until you let her free. Illanta and Demerei being thieves, they are of course already on their way out.

Re: Demerei... I suppose it kind of defeats he purpose of a height chart to have one of them bending over... Oops? Re: Rainewaithe... I don't actually know what he looks like. All I know for sure is that he's a tallish blond Nossfer.

Othallon's gargantuan height throws off the whole scale. Rainewaithe and Anasca are what would be casually described as tall, Lasha is quite tall, and Othallon is holy wow tall. Having Othallon there disguises how tall Illanta is ^^; She's pretty representative of her race; Visochinadsi are tall individuals.

Whereas Moriha is (almost) perfectly human, and she's adorably tiny. She and Othallon or Lashacrimos would make such a cute couple~ :P

Eltanin's height and body type in human form are variable... Body type normally changes on her mood (if she's in heat she's voluptuous, if she's serious she's athletic) but her height is a conscious choice. If he wants to get attention she'll be taller. Demicat form is fixed unless she expends a lot of effort.

Paper texture I used.

Eltanin - Lashacrimos - Othallon - Moriha - Demerei - Illanta --none of the others (Rainewaithe, Anasca, Saeden) have bios

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