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DRAOONA Ch 2 tomb raiders by Angellothefox

DRAGOONA. As I said she wiggld the spikes as the lasst chaptar. and she tuck some off but the resst of theam.
was stuck on the wall and won't come off. ,I hop theats enoghe spikes,. Thean the walls came spikein in she duckt she tock enugheth spikes
frome the wall. Thean the wall went back to nomall. the spikes clost up. theay clost up fist like. never minde. the door oppend and she
want throw. mine waell. ,Yure not verry nice, said Dragoona. ,Know I, said Mummy c. al try my fire brath agene. ,,fire been breethed,,
,NO al try agene,. ,,Fire been breethed,,. No! al tr-y AGENE! ,,Fire been breethed,,. ,NO!, Gramps tredid cerfally. thean a trap door opend
frome under nethe. ,Some torist, said Graps. It did't work. It did't work on Graps anyway the trap door theat is.,HELLP!, said a Voice under
the now opend the trap door. ,Theat sonds like Dragoon, Said Gramps. she went down ,Dragon silly, said Mummy c. Thean Gramps came down.
,Dragoon look awaya, so she did. she herd a lot of Gramps nosas lot of nossas and it sond somthinng like this. BANG! POW! KI-KI-KICK!.
Thean Gramps lockt pickt the cage. ,thanks Gramps,. ,Hay wher ar the mummys,.Said Dragoona. ,emm,. Said Gramps. Thean theay went to Brazil.
1.00am on the way to Brazil on a plena. ,Gramps, ,What, ,Ar we thear yet, ,It,s onlly one am,. ,Oh., Said Dragoona 12.30am At Brazil.
,C'mon Dragoon., ,It,s onlly., ,DRAGOON I need you to stay fokerst., ,What is forcast, ,fokerst not forcast Dragoon.,So Dragoon followd
Gramps. In the amazone rine forrist. ,Stay with me, said Gramps. As she slast the bushis. ,Now stay with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!,.
and she fell right thruo. ,GRAMPS, ,Gramps, ,gramps,. Calld Dragoona. but Gramps fell thrue the tree. Mine whayall ,ouch, ,theat hurt,.
She said. Thean she was kidnappt by a mini trib ,oh greta, she said. Back to Dragoon ,Come on Gramps,. ,I don't want to do this on my
own,. Said Dragoon a bit scard. ,G-g-ramps, She said. Thean she tund into a dragon. And pulld back a laffe and sore the mini tribe.
Thean a mini tribe meber cachad her. And bort her to the tribe ,All heyell dragust., ,Dragust the tribe showd Dragoon ther pinting.
It did look a bit like her.,This I cold get usest too,.,Dragoon call off the gards, Said Gramps. realis the prisona, ,!?, thoghet the
trib. ,We wan yo to hav thi, said the leder ,we've got the second orb Dragoon, said Gramps. Dragoon was so exeted she floow up in the
ara but thean she got tacken away by the Amarican winds ,Dragoon!, Shoted Gramps ,Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!, Screemd dragoon.
,I better go affter her., we go wi yo, said the leadar. ,No thanks, so she went affter her.Mean whyall ,Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr!, sodenlly
Thump ,oach, said dragoon. ,Oh, ,a littal dragon don't rerry I'm keepin you,. But befor she cold esscap the littal gile slapt on a
hidiars pink drass. ,Oh no I don't want to be a dragon baby,.Mean whyall Gramps was planing to save dragoon she got a pravert jet from the
air fose theay gave her a lift mean wayall.,Hows a cute baby you are you are yes you are, ,save me now.Said Dragoon., ,shes out of the room,
now.,,she got out of the room suddenly the gile spotid Dragoon No it's youre bed time not a nother nap time thuot Dragoon. 4.45am gramps got
thear ,ho NO! how will I find her, ,will caghe you letter, said the hellicopter flyer. ,Now dragoon wer are you,. It tock her 5 houers to find
Dragoon and it tock Dragoon 5 houers of toucher beffore Gramps fond her. ,Sorry to bother you but can I have the dragon pleecs, ,Shes a baby
dragon,. ,Ok can I have the baby dragon pleece,...,NO! I REST THEAT DRAGON!, ,pleece save me now Gramps, said Dragoon,. ,Tell you what ave got
this in the city, ,It's a banbino baby doll,. ,Not so far we trad this for this, ,you got it, ,daddy daddy! look what a old laddy gave to me,
shoutid the littal girl in plee. I fond the last cristell or stone lets go to the montons now.So theay went to the monton at tock them 50 hoers
.,Are we nany were yet, said Dragoon ,yes wer hear,. ,What do we do now, we sommon the dragon, ,what?, said Dragoon not understanding the
sichewashon. ,Now Dimander we sommon you, ,THEIS BETER BE INPOTENT I LEFFT MY FACE BOOK ON, said Dimander. ,SO WHAT DO YOU WANT,,I wish I cude
be more advenaserwas. ,AS YOU CAMAND,. And so ,I feel more active, said Gramps. ,AND YOU, ,what!, ,WHAT DO YOU WISH FOR YONG LADDY, said Dimander
Dragoon thuot abot it ,I want to be nomal., ,As you camand,. So Dragoon lived her live as a nomal person but she sore a kid getting bullid by the
same bullys at bullid her so she waikt up to them and said,If you hert theat kid you are going to have to anser to me right, and the kid said
,right,,..., said the bullys with a scard look on ther faceis.,Your strang you know that, and theay ran away,thanks maet,,its maddem,.,WELL,
,ho yes, said Dragoon at did't relly desad yet. ,I'm going to keep my power., ,Dragoon are you shore!? I thout you always wantid to be nomal,.
I thout abot it but I thout it cud come in wandy fore flying and some ather wings,.,AS YOU CAMAND, and rightfully so. ,NOW MY FRIEND DANDY CAME
ON FACE BOOK GOTTER GO TODAL OOH,. So Dragoon lifed her life as a human at cud chang in to a dragon. she loved flying and somtimes scaring bullys
off. Now we close the book of Dragoon and I hop you injoyd it. Ninight Dragoon ninight Wamps Gramps lookt rerrid THE END.

DRAOONA Ch 2 tomb raiders


Dragoona has found her self in a sticky situation while Gran has to deal with a spiky situation.
It has also got Dragoona going to the Amazon and here it comes.
The USA!
By a gust of wind at takes her there.
Gran has to save her tough from a little girl at always wanted a little purple dragon.

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