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i don't know if this one is about me or the devil by Anarchie

i don't know if this one is about me or the devil


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The giant woke to an instrument case being nudged along the cave floor. Stretching, claws clicking against the stones below, Riley turned towards the intruder. Leslie gave a bone-cutting smile without even baring his teeth, something far too enthusiastic in the expression.

"We... already did this," Riley gestured, genuinely puzzled and wondering if they were still dreaming. "I've been growing out my claws to hold the strings better, but my hand still hurts from how I have to hold the little thing. I've been practicing. I'm... confused."

"You didn't tell me you were Talik!" Leslie ignored the puzzled giant, his voice echoing.

"Because I'm not," Riley laughed, brushing a strand of feather back.

"Nonsense," Leslie opened the case, nudging it forward slightly. "Give it a try."

Riley padded forward, looking into the case. An electric violin sat there, clear and shining. Riley picked it up and the bow with it and laid back, turning it over in their fingers. They never learned proper magic, both to the chagrin and relief of their captors, and had to fight their way out with bare fists, teeth and claw. They tried to draw from some source within themself, and... nothing.

Leslie looked on, expecting.

Riley sighed, a rumble in their throat and rosin freshly on their bow. The giant put the bow to the strings, and as they pulled back, they felt a sudden calm wash over them, and a feeling like thunder ready to let go. As the bow drew across the strings, a wave of lightning coiled up their hand and around the bow, entering the violin as the giant recoiled in shock. The violin's hum died down as the bow separated from the strings, and so did the glow emanating from within the instrument.

Leslie just smiled, looking as if a spring trap had just been readied. "Keep playing."

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