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Hansel by Amakai



Oh man. My hand hurts Q~Q I love doing detail but god is it painful lol

Anyways~ This is my OC Hansel who was a birthday gift to myself. I got a custom commission from RaineSeryn who, once again, never fails to amaze me with her beautiful designs. I didn't change a single thing about him other then giving him some taller socks.

Here's some information on what I have about this little cutie so far. I was going to make him a magical boy when I original saw his design but I changed my mind xD

Hansel was born into a large litter of kits. Being the youngest, he was doted on the most by his mother. She babied him and doted on him more then any of her other kids but she never neglected them. His father was very similar, always bringing him treasures stolen from travelers or sinking ships.

He treats his siblings equally and does his best to spend equal amounts of time with them when he can. He always prefers to be outside their den, playing in the snow with his siblings. It's caused him trouble more then once however.

Being in the arctic, polar bears often roam through their homeland, snatching up young unprotected kits & other various children for food. Hansel's parents had lost more then one child in the past so they always do their best to be on guard whenever they know it's migrating time for the polar bears.

Roses, jewels, snow/ice, ribbons, cute boots

Heat, warm colors, hunters, polar bears

Other Notes

  • Hansel is an ice kitsune with three very fluffy tails.
  • His hair is multi-colored; white, blue & light purple & his eyes are ice blue.
  • He has pale, almost white, skin.
  • He is 15 years old & stands at 5'6.
  • It's rare to see his hands through his sleeves. If they're showing, he's likely eating or asleep.
  • He is very spoiled but not bratty about it.

Hansel © Amakai
Original Design by RaineSeryn @ DA
Base, ears, tails by Koru-ru @ DA
Everything else done by Amakai

Submission Information

Visual / Digital