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Units Ready by Alias

Units Ready


Elnora - UNit 57-214-5553
Saboteur and Stealth Model
Wields Machine Pistols and Throwing Knives.
Wears Special Gauntlets and Greaves that house Thousands of W.A.S.P. and S.P.I.D.E.R. Droids used to assist in tasks. Also capable of Lethel and Nonlethel attacks, as well as capable of performing Defensive Feats to protect and repair the host. And other useful tricks such as Mind control.
WARNING - Unit is Trigger Sensitive. Tricks and jokes may be seen as threats, and can easily trigger Defensive Protocals
Code Name: Tiabits (There is a Bug in the System)

Whicker - UNit 82-722-0974
Attack Dog Guardian Unit
Weilds 2 High-Frequency Blads; Fights in multiple Unpredictable Styles, including using his feet.
Built to sustain Damage in high stress combat situations with fast acting nanomachines, but built to be Fast and deliver Kill Strikes.
WARNING - Do not Deploy unless last resort or in low collateral damage areas. When unshackled, unit is known to override Commands until original order is complete. Unit can be crazed and unpredictable, exercise extreme caution, unit has dangerously high Prey-Drive.

This is an idea I have had for a long time. at least 5 of my characters I thought of Neat Metal Gear Rising Cyborg Designs for, and wanted to do a little story full of action on them. Don't know when I will write, but for not it would be fun to ge tthe ideas illistrated :D

More to come whenever lol

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