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penail draws hewie like one of her trench girls idk dumb WORD PLAY

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  • Link

    That shell cracks me up. My boyfriend's sister has like 6 crabs so I'm so used to seeing them.

    • Link

      haha, yeah! my babies recently passed away so i made hewie to cheer myself up u3u giving it some time before actually getting new ones. don't think i can handle such tragic deaths...

      • Link

        Aww, that's sad to hear. It is good to take a little break from owning pets after one's passed away.

        • Link

          it was my first time owning hermit crabs so i was like instantly traumatized by their death fjdshjksf thanks to my dad giving them tap water the first day we got them 8( despite the fact i told him not to. but yes, i will eventually get new babies..

          • Link

            It's okay, I accidentally killed a creature with tap water too. Sometimes people make little mistakes like those :<

            • Link

              it's so scary how tap water isn't even tolerable for animals like that like fjdshdf i get really grossed out thinking about it, all of those chemicals blegh

              • Link

                I thought it wasn't the chemicals so much as the pH balance. A lot of tap water isn't balanced.

                • Link

                  actually, nj's water has a lot of chemicals, especially copper... and i've been told copper will get into the hermit crab's gills and slowly kill them by either suffocation or just general deterioration of the inside and outsides. and if i'm wrong and it isn't copper, it's some other chemical lurking in our tap lol 8( which, i think that's how it happened since my hermies were so lively and then they gradually got slower and slower up to the point where they just died a week later.. but ph is probably a huge factor too.

                  • Link

                    I think it's what killed the beta fish in my case. They give you a dropper you can use to balance the pH though, wish I knew that.

                    • Link

                      yeah, i didn't know that either. i just decided to give them bottled water since we always buy it but never actually drink it lmao.. and then mix it with saltwater for the other dish. my dad was being lazy and didn't want to go to the pet store so he gave them tap water until the next day =n= i was like gee thank you for listening... when i told you specifically not to!

                      • Link

                        Sometimes dads don't listen and get your pets killed :<