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a cheating douchebutt by ali

a cheating douchebutt


BAE I GOT IN A TRADE W/ NA originally designed by princeton but i'm a butt and removed his kemono parts bc i got a plot idea for him but it'd be weird for him to be kemonomimi so LOL

ANYWAYS he's quick to make decisions without really contemplating them, very impulse- which lands him in a marriage that he can't stand with some girl he was crushing on and months into the marriage realized he wasn't rly into her oops. he's actually really sweet but sometimes he does things which places him in the douchebag category. he's definitely more gay than he is bi but he also likes a little boob and vag hence marrying a girl so he's probs like, bi but with a male pref. i don't think his spouse knows about it, altho look at him. look how gay he looks.

thus, he cheats- he gets together with a guy, and tries to justify his cheating a lot by making excuses to not leave his spouse, but more that he deserves to be happy and do whatever he'd like. he also claims that being with a dude isn't the same as being with a girl. poor idiot. he's also incredibly careful as to not get caught and genuinely worried he'll be found out one day. his spouse has a job but it's a short one so she's often at home while he only has a short time to go play around with aforementioned dude

he's cheated before but kind of gets really into this dude enough to have GASP A SECOND RELATIONSHIP- not to do anything serious because obv he sucks with commitment, but even though he's a douchebag to him a lot, like holding his marriage over his head and making him feel shitty for the things he does, the sex is amazing and i think he's probably the type that likes being talked down to, manipulated in ways and treated badly laughs so he sticks around with him for a while, possibly developing strong feelings later but i still can't see him acting on them whoops.

he probably has some weird obligation to the marriage and also probably likes the benefits and such that comes with being marrid. i doubt he'd throw that away just to be with this asshole but you never know :3c

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    Wow, those pants are loud.

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      hell yeah they are B)