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Saturday Night by alex_nighthound

I decided to do a limerick
Maybe it’s a gimmick
But I had to
Or, I’d feel blue
Any other way I’d be a mimick

It was that night I was in bed
The next day I was to dread
Asleep I would be
If Friendly hadn’t told me
Wake up or you would be dead

So out of the hotel I went
Anger I was trying to pent
Going down the stairs
This just wasn’t fair
Knowing fully well, I was spent

I walked out into the cold
Not exactly feeling like gold
I tried to keep warm
The cold evening a norm
As I walked out into the fold

Various fursuiters kept me warm
Snuggling me close to their form
But that didn’t last long
As we all walked along
At least it wasn’t an ice storm

Nearby there was a convention center
Into which we were allowed to enterA good place as any
For one and the many
But some felt like being the dissenter

I sat next to somebody nearby
I had to ask the question why
But he didn’t know
So I was dealt a blow
And then there was a burn on my eye

Though don’t worry about me
I felt no reason to flee
To the hospital
They weren’t hostile
It’s normal as the skin on my knee

As I once again felt cold
Would you lo and behold
It was Dr. Conway
Not feeling very gay
But a story of this will surely be told

After an hour, or two, or three
We were told we had to flee
Though don’t panic
It wasn’t gigantic
but I had no reason to feel glee

Though I realized I had left my phone
When my brother called from his phone
I do love him
He felt grimAt least I didn’t feel alone

Finally, we were allowed back in
A night that this has beenI fell under the cover
And would soon discover
This event was a great sin

I would soon wake up to hear
The fact that I should endear
That I am alive
And I can thrive
And I should be thankful that I’m here

The community had my back
In the face of that chlorine attack
Through all of that beer
The point should be clear
That I simply didn’t know jack

So as I reflect on it all
And I pass through the fall
And I make my way down
Into Tiger Town
And now I shall go for the long haul


Saturday Night


I felt like writing a Limerick so here it is

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Literary / Poetry / Lyrics