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Manami by AlejandroDelFuego



Manami is a college nursing student. She got in to the medical field after learning about her conception.

Her mother took part in an experiment, where she would essentially be the mother to earth's first attempt at artificially created life. This first round of testing would be simple: her overall appearance wouldn't stray too far from her parents, but certain genes were altered.

Unfortunately, due to a lack of understanding about the genome at the time, while giving her the experimental luminescence and enhanced senses, they gave her the genetic disposition to being greatly overweight. Overall, she was a cautious success. No major health complications have emerged so far, other than her perpetual obese state, but considering all the things that could have gone wrong, they chalked her up as a win.

Due to ethical concerns, the company that essentially created her was shut down when several others didn't make it, and she was the only one to make it to adulthood. As far as earth is concerned, she is the first sentient being to be genetically modified.

Her curiosity in genetics and medicine peaked around high school, and being an object of science herself, she did manage to go to a nice school, mostly because the company that created her was ordered to compensate all the families who were part of the experiment.

At first glance, one would only see her as just another overweight feline. Though, if you waited until it got pretty dark out, you might see her eyes, nose, tongue, and paw pads glowing. Her privates glow as well, but chances are you'll never see those, so... :3

She wears a discarded computer chip on her neck, and a double helix bracelet. On her left shoulder she tattooed the year she was created.

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Visual / Digital