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Art Summary 2019 by Akysi

Art Summary 2019


Well it’s the last day of the year, so here’s my art summary for 2019! This year seems to be a battle between the bright and the dramatic, though I suppose that’s normal for me. xD I tried to cut it down a bit from last year and actually pick my faves for each month, but some were harder than others. The first half of the year felt like 2018+ rather than a new year, but I didn’t move back home until April anyway.

July’s entries are a bit odd because this was the month of Starglass Zodiac’s revamp, so I was focused on that for the entire month. Comic pages take me days to do at this point (especially that first page), so I wanted to include that here. Finding time for both is still a struggle.

This was definitely the year for the zodiac companions, at least from August through to the end. xD Only Hydra, Lupus and Centaurus were designed prior to this year, and only two are featured here for the sake of variety. I’ve gotten a better idea of their role in the story of Starglass Zodiac, so that made it easier for me to get going and finish rounding out the group. I was hoping to get them all done before the end of the year, but I burned out pretty hard after Christmas. Some still need revamping anyway.

I burned out in September / October too though, at least when it came to uploading. I still made art, but suddenly I didn’t feel inclined to post it for a while (fluctuating self-confidence will do that). Huevember brought be back into making art more frequently, and luckily it did in time for the holidays. An artist never rests in December.

I do a lot of cleanup and attempts at finishing things in December too, and this year was no different. There is still a lot more to do in 2020, so we’ll see what the new year brings.

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