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Commission - TrianglePascal Gateway to the stars by Adalore

Commission - TrianglePascal Gateway to the stars


Commission for TrianglePascal!

The institute representatives milled around the event, mingling and interacting with each other. Triangle Pascal recognized a few from the crowd from his academic days. They were all here for the next regular release of research documents that have been drip fed to the many nations of the world. They had to be slow and deliberate about what info they gave the world at large or the scientists out here would outright give up on learning themselves. Triangle Pascal having access to the majority of the VA notes on this knows that sometimes a new element, a strange nuance, of the physics comes to light from the strangest places and a few came from his own homeworld.
The clock ticked over to the scheduled time to release the next segment of curated space age technology to give the industry another stepping stone to the stars proper. He held the hand of his own people as he led them to new horizons.

Employee designation : Triangle Pascal

Specialization title : Archive tech

Retained employee proficiencies
Local and cultural awareness
Understands and ex-participant of science field

Template Info - Light Public - Light low energy frame intended to interact with the planetary locals. Faux clothing designed to local expectations of dress. Due to specialization there are few physical specializations and instead has access to elaborate systems to allow cooperation between science teams the world over.

Administrator notes - Triangle Pascal has shown great promise in managing uplift locally, his actions have primed this world to be very competitive in research in centuries to come.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital