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Lavinea Austral - bio by adagadeprata

Lavinea Austral - bio


I though many people would like to know more about Lavínea.

Here are some bits about her:

Age:26 (unless it is on The Journey timeline, there she is 38)

Species: human (mutant)

Gender: female

DOB: November, 12

Personality: caring and enthusiastic, also extremely curious, Lavinea is able to forget the world around her when her have a project in mind, but her friends and family always be a priority in her life

Occupation: she was a science otaku, abandoned military facilities explorer, but became a heroine once she met her hero friends

Abilities: silly mistake thinking transforming into a huge, buffy, cowgirl is what makes of Lav a heroine. But her true power comes from before she was able to change... She is a very smart inventor and scientist, capable of making many kinds of wondrous machines. She became able to transform on her late teens, when her body transformation was rather uncontrollable. She thought it was some kind of curse because it caused many troubles. Maybe most uncovenient problem was her milk production. It would be just a small problem if weren't the fact her milk was able to cause mutations on anyone who drank from it. These were random, temporary effects, but could use it as a catalyst to give mutant powers to the drinker. She figured it would be dangerous if anyone learned about this, so she became recluse and suspicious of anyone. Of course it wasn't a secret for long... Long story short, an evil organization was trying to use her ability to produce mutant soldiers but she was saved by her friends in that occasion.

^^; Guess this is a begging about her. Any questions I may answer later.

Lavínea Austral © Adagadeprata (ME!)

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