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Fenruss Brylee by Ada

Fenruss Brylee


Character card for Steviemaxwell for one of his FBA characters, Fenruss Brylee, a massive black-furred wolf :)

Character Vitals -
Name: Fenruss Brylee
Nickname: Monster
Position: Bigfur
Species: Wolf
Gender: Male
Height: 6'11" (211cm)
Weight: 295 lbs (134kg)
Birthplace: Elkhorn, Wisconsin, U.S.A

Fenruss tends to display a ferocious attitude under the basket. When that's coupled with his physical bulk and muscularity relative to other Bigfurs, he became known as somewhat of a monstrosity, which earned him the nickname of 'Monster', during his college balling days.

His temper has been mellowed out by a few years of experience playing pro basketball with the Dakota Bikers FBA franchise, including a championship during his sophomore year, showing how much he's improved since his FBA beginnings, capable of avoiding fouls much better, keeping himself in check.

His years in the league has only gotten him physically stronger, having gained a bit more bulk than when he first began, but a lot more strength to go with it, allowing him to go toe to toe with many of the players in the league who're even taller than his 6'11" height.

Fenruss is a reliable player, capable of playing solid offense and defense, and is a proficient post player. Despite his quiet nature, he's capable of wowing the crowd and upping the team morale with his dunks.

As of March the 7th 2015, his average game stats are as follows:

Rebounds per Game: 6.8
Assists per Game: 0.9
Turnovers per Game: 0
Steals per Game: 0
Blocks per Game: 1.2
Fouls per Game: 1.6
Points per Game: 10.5

Fenruss Brylee belongs to Steviemaxwell
FBA fathered by Buckhopper, now spearheaded by Steviemaxwell

Submission Information

Visual / Digital