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AC44i Rumo Logística by AC44i

AC44i Rumo Logística


3 AC44is Rumo Logística in Canguera in the city of São Roque, state of São Paulo, Brazil, the 9813 was in the tail of one grain composition going towards to down the mountain to go to the port of Santos, the 9859 was going coupled to a C30-7 and one madrinha wagon in direction to the interior of the state, and the 9831 was coupled to a C30-7 and one madrinha wagon too.
The railroad is the Mainque stretch of the EFS(Estrada de Ferro Sorocabana), in 1870 is created the Companhia Estrada de Ferro Sorocabana by the cotton merchant Luís Mateus Maylasky, in 1875 the first stretch of the railroad is inaugurated, the rails began in the city of São Paulo and went to the city of Sorocaba, originally the railroad was totally built in metric gauge(1 meter or 1000mm or 3,28ft), the initial porpuse of the railroad is transport the cotton crops of the interior of the state of São Paulo to the port of Santos, in the city of São Paulo the cargo was unloaded of the metric gauge wagons and loaded in the large gauge wagons of the SPR(São Paulo Railway) to down the mountain to the port of Santos, but the cotton was not yielding profits for the company, in 1880 Luís Mateus Maylasky is fired and was substituted by the Francisco de Paula Mayrink, Mayrink extended the railroad further the interior of the state to reach the coffee plantations, Mayrink turned the coffee the main product transported by the railroad and "saved" the company, in 1904 despite the growing demand for transportation of coffe the company was experiencing financial difficulties and needed to be auctioned to the brazilian govern, in 1905 the brazilian govern sold the railroad to the govern of the state of São Paulo, in 1907 the railroad was leased to the north american Percival Farquhar, the railroad was renamed The Sorocabana Railway Company, the railroad generated profits until 1912, in this year the union Faquhar went through serious financial difficulties and abandoned the administration of the railroad, in 1919 the railroad had to be expropriated by the govern of the state of São Paulo, in 1926 one company called Southern San Paulo Railway Company was expropriated by the govern of São Paulo, the company had territories that prevented one another railroad to down the mountain to the port of Santos, in this time the only way to down the mountain by railroad was by the São Paulo Railway, the english company took advantage by the monopoly and put unfair prices, in this year is started the construction of the Mairinque stretch, the name Mairinque is the name of the city where the stretch starts, the name of the city is one tribute to the Mayrink, the name was changed to adapt to the portuguese, the stretch is inaugurated in 1937 finally breaking the monopoly of the SPR of 70 years, in 1971 the company FEPASA(Ferrovia Paulista Sociedade Anonima) was created to hold all the railroads that belonged to the state of São Paulo, in 1997-1998 all the roll material and majority part of the railroads of the companys FEPASA and RFFSA was auctioned to private companies, the EFS and the Mairinque stretch was concessioned to the private company Ferroban(Ferrovia Bandeirantes), in 2006 the company ALL(América Latina Logística) the company bought the group Brasil Ferrovias( the Ferroban was part of this group) and the lines of the EFS passed to the ALL.

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