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Dear Little Muerta by Abbi Normal

Dear Little Muerta

Abbi Normal

Sweet as sugar and only eight years dead, Muerta hopes you'll come and play with her....she could really use a friend. She's been so lonely since her mischief got her expelled from Burton's Unusual Grammar School for Wayward Girls--she's still trying to get back in. Oh. And the dieing thing. She didn't see her old friends as much after that. All dear little Muerta wants in unlife is a friend to share it with. Someone to come to her midnight tea parties in the cemetery, as the other guests aren't very...animated? She saw you in the park the other day...the one behind the church that owns her cemetery.

She'd been told by her parents not to come out after curfew, after the sun came up, but she snuck out. Quietly, slowly, not to wake the dead, the lid of Muerta's carved marble coffin croaked as it opened just a few inches, her eyes wide and staring in the light. With only a sound like a sigh, she slipped from her coffin while her parents slept in theirs. Just to see what it was like. Just to see what was out there. Just to see what was past the fence at the back of the graveyard. She ran past plastic markers poked into the earth to mark unowned graves on the outskirts of the cemetery, available for purchase by the still-living. At the very back of the lot was a tall fence shrouded in overgrowth. Old cords of vines wound through and around the fence, and so thick she couldn't see through them, so, taking the hem of her dress in one hand, she began to climb the twisted arms of the vines like a ladder. As her head peered over the top, so close to the sun, she saw you. You were cutting through the park by the church on your way home, and you smiled as your favourite song came on through your headphones, and you shifted the bag of shopping to your other hand. Muerta knew as soon as she saw you that you'd love to be her friend. You'll be her friend for sure.

You'll be her friend forever...

Dear Little Muerta was originally made and posted a few years ago now, but was damaged in a flood this past December, and parts of her had to be rebuilt and repaired, so I deleted the old pictures, and am re-posting their updated versions. The original was poseable in the hips and knees and neck as well, after the repairs, only the arms remain fully poseable. She has a wooden skeleton with wire joins, styrofoam skull, button eyes, feathers and beads in her hair decoration, and a piece of thrift store curtain became her dress, except the bat sash and apron, those are scrap fabric ends from my sister's own dressmaking. Her feet are weighed down with pennies in her shoes, which is all they're good for in Canada anymore.

An interesting fact about this doll is that it's based loosely on a sort of cosplay thing my sister and I made for my sister to wear when we were kids.

Dear Little Muerta is one of Abbi Normal's "Imaginary Friends" ooak creatures.

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Visual / Crafts / Jewelry