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Alley Cats by Blackpassion777

Alley Cats


Piece done for Eurofurence 2014 - Hope you guys like it!

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    Wow I love the mood of this and how every cat has a different personality! Incredible!

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      Thank you! I can't wait to do something like this with my hellion CX

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        Your hellion? :O

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 the ones with wings XD I haven't quite figured out the folders here yet, plus some of the art is olllddd.

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            I can't wait to see you post some stuff of him!

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              Haha thanks XD It's not like they're very original but I love them anyways CX

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                Well, no, but sometimes there's a good reason why things become "cliche"
                My art teacher always told me I was too cliche about everything I made
                So I tried to make what he wanted, but sacrificed my happiness for it (plus I suck at abstract art)
                So I guess I adopted the idea that as long as it still took effort, and as long as you still love doing it, screw how "original" something is! Its still awesome!

                • Link

                  haha aww i feel ya though, I do. My sophomore year in college my major nearly snuffed out any and all creativity and enthusiasm I had, and it took years to rebuild my confidence. Not fun hugs for everyone

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                    Oh man yeah, that's why I'm glad I'm keeping art and writing as hobbies, and going for Zoology. I'm just hoping my passion for it doesn't die off during college too haha and everyone recieved hugs

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                      Awww zoology, I almost went for biology, but to be fair I think they really only make as much as artists too lol Bad timing though; there was a program in Hawaii, but as a senior in high school it just wasn't a good time to apply for it, sooo sadness.

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                        Awww that sucks :/ I'm sorry to hear that

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                          Oh well though C:>

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                            True! So, what got you into art, and how long have you been doing it?

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                              Been doing art since I could hold a pencil C; Dunno why, I keep asking myself that, but I'm not really sure. I had to choose between Orchestra and art and it was tough, but I chose art. Still doing it, even after all the drama at my college. It's kinda silly looking back on it, but it was kind of like a 'find yourself' spirit quest. What about you?

                              • Link

                                That's super neat! I'm glad to know that! Eh for me I was drawing and writing since I could hold a pencil too, but I was never that serious about any of it until I noticed my classmates getting better and better, and able to express their ideas fully through art/writing. I've always been better at writing than art, but nothing quite beats drawing something out, so I keep trying. I really started taking both seriously in middle school, where I drew like five things a day, and every chance I could. I even brought my sketch pads to my martial arts classes. Now I just sort of, draw when the mood strikes me, and over criticize my own work. Back then i thought everything I made was awesome, and I showed everyone. Now I don't even upload a good portion of what I make, just because I never even finish it, I tend to scrap everything. But my boyfriend paints models for 40k, and I started doing that, which I absolutely love. So I guess I'm still finding myself as an artist too haha