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Meleadraggy Adopts - Open by Sambhur

Meleadraggy Adopts - Open


First I just did one design and was going to sell it as a stand-alone thing, but then I wanted to make more, so I made more. Now I guess they're like a little species thing?

Meleadraggies. They're chubby, that tail is actually quite roundish and it drags along the ground. The eyes glow a bit. That's loose skin on the neck there. You can't see their tongue much but it's there between the teeth, same colour as the gums and is chubby like the tail. The limbs can all pretty much move independently of each other, but the muscles in the smaller ones aren't as strong due to a lack of use. Their size can vary so I'm not gonna say something specific. Number of digits on each limb along the line is: 3, 2, 1, 2 (in case the colours make it a bit hard to tell). Let me know if you have any questions about them.

  1. Open - $25
  2. Taken by Operia on dA
  3. Open - $25
  4. Open - $25

You're allowed to make subtle changes to the design upon purchase.

Comment below to claim. If you're not gonna buy one, maybe let others know about them?

If these get bought there's a chance I'll make more.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    Come next wednesday if 1 or 4 is still open, I'm definitely interested! I just need to take care of necessities first xD

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      Ooh nice. O:

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        The only thing that's stopped me is a past due light bill and a shortage of hours. Otherwise, I'd have grabbed #2 the day you posted them xD

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          Well it's a good thing you've got your priorities straight hah.

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            And with priorities comes being a lot broker than I thought ;~; Hopefully I can pick up some extra money, but my light bill and an unexpected car failure just completely wiped me. One day, I will pick up one of these cuties (hopefully sooner rather than later). But of course life doesn't love me that much xD