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Character 04: Lizabelle by Ambaaargh

Character 04: Lizabelle


Continuing my trend of posting my starbeebs. I think I may have a starbeeb problem. That problem is I can't seem to get enough starbeebs.

This one is Lizabelle, who is seven (and a half as she would be quick to point out) and the daughter of one of the characters I have yet to post She's pretty much a nobleman's child and spends most of her time under the care of her nanny and spends a fair bit of her time trying to coerce her bodyguard into tea-parties. She's a race called a starshooter which was created by RaptorSlut/DeleteTheStars/CloneClone over on FA.

I am not the best at drawing kid characters. XD

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    These are pretty neat! What's a starbeeb?

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      Starbeeb is mainly just the joking term I give the race. They're technically called stardragons but I joke with my friend they're mah babies which ended up just getting turned into the word beebs. They're basically an adoptable race that a group came up with on FA. Which I'd offer to link to but go figure the whole site is down at the time I type this. XD

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    I really like how you used the frame to show her height. Or rather, the lack of height? >.>

    Very well done!